Prerequisite: it is assumed in this User Manual that the user has done the Quickstart tutorials.
We provide one demo dataset (demo) and three processed time-lapses corresponding to the distal part of 3 wild-type Drosophila pupal wings (WT_1, WT_2 and WT_3).
No programming skill required: the tutorial Learning_the_R_basics_for_TissueMiner will guide the user, without any previous knowledge in programming, through the main aspects of data manipulation and visualization using the R language.
The power of an existing grammar to manipulate and to visualize data. The open-source R language now provides very efficient and simple ways to handle important amount of tabular data, using a so called “grammar” of data manipulation (dplyr package) and visualization (ggplot2 package) (by Hadley Wickham). We found R to be ideal for querying our relational databases (RSQLite package), and to perform subsequent calculations and analyses for understanding tissue morphogenesis. Thus, the user keeps control of his data by learning a few verbs and the simple syntax of the grammar. This gives the advantage of full autonomy on the data that can manipulated without restriction.
TissueMiner extends this grammar by providing an Application Programming Interface (API) to facilitate the visualization and quantification of cell dynamics during tissue morphogenesis. This API consists of a series of easy-to-use commands that we describe here on examples.
TissueMiner is compatible with the Python programming language. We provide a Python-tutorial of TissueMiner.
High performance computing platform. TissueMiner has been designed to be used in command-line in order to easily batch repetitive tasks and to run tasks on a high performance computing platform (cluster).
A comprehensive HOWTO to visualize and quantify cell dynamics in 2D tissues, by a simple copy-paste of the code encapsulated in shaded grey boxes into a R-shell such as in RStudio. We also provide a single script analyze_movie.R to perform tasks of the section 2 of this User Manual. We strongly encourage the user to use RStudio or a similar software to conveniently run the R programs step by step.
TissueMiner can easily be extended by the user to address project-specific questions
Tutorial layout: the code is encapsulated in shaded grey boxes that delimit code blocks. The results are displayed immediately below in an open box in which all lines start with the ## sign. Within code blocks, comments are visible in green and are prefixed with at least a # sign. The comments indicate what the following code does. Here is an example:
# This is a comment: the code below will print "Welcome to TissueMiner"
print("Welcome to TissueMiner")
## [1] "Welcome to TissueMiner"
The data organization is summarized as follow:
where %03d represents a frame number padded with 3 digits. The number of digits can be modified, see FAQ.
Here, is an example: movieSegmentation/demo/Segmentation/demo_000.png
alt tag
Tissue Analyzer (copyright Aigouy 2016) ships with its own licence (see license_TA.txt bundled in the software). Tissue Analyzer should not be modified or reverse engineered. Tissue Analyzer should always be distributed bundled with TissueMiner and not alone.
You can install the latest version of Tissue Analyzer (formerly known as Packing Analyzer) within FIJI ( To do so:
Once the installation is complete, restart FIJI, open the “Plugins” menu and click on “Tissue Analyzer”
For a quick start guide, click here
To this purpose, we provide two FIJI programs draw_n_get_ROIcoord.ijm and orient_tissue.ijm.
By default, TissueMiner always creates two ROI’s:
Both programs automatically save a text file (UserFrameRoi.txt and transformation.txt, respectively). If these files are present, TissueMiner will take them into account for further precessing steps.
The snakemake automated workflow performs computationally intensive tasks. It constitutes an important part of TissueMiner as it creates the relational database, which stores information about cell geometry, cell topology and cell history for a given movie. This workflow also browses cell lineages to assign cells to regions of interest (ROI’s), and it calculates cellular contributions to tissue deformation in each ROI. Finally, it can also create videos of patterned cell behaviors.
Running time estimate on a single core (2,7 GHz Intel Core i5; 2Gb of RAM) for the provided samples:
dataset | size (Gb) | cell junction number | cell contour number | cell lineage number | ROI number | run time |
demo | 0.1 | ~200000 | ~68000 | ~1200 | 3 | 2min48sec |
WT_3 | 2.1 | ~1450000 | ~487000 | ~8600 | 6 | 17min00sec |
WT_1 | 2.5 | ~1610000 | ~540000 | ~9400 | 6 | 18min03sec |
Running times on multicore computers would significantly be reduced.
sm all
sm -n
sm make_db
sm shear_calculate topo_countt1 polygon_class tri_categorize
alias for simplicity. Example:
alias tm='docker run --rm -ti -v $(dirname $PWD):/movies -w /movies/$(basename $PWD) etournay/tissue_miner'
tm sm shear_calculate topo_countt1 polygon_class tri_categorize
command) builds the database and generates additional data about cell lineages, cell topology, cell geometry, and cell contributions to tissue deformation.On Ubuntu and even on MacOSX, the dockerized TissueMiner isn’t necessary for running the API because the dependencies can be installed directly on the computer.
— On Ubuntu (docker is NOT necessary): you may install Rstudio or another integrated environment for R programming. The TissueMiner API has already been installed and configured during the installation procedure of TissueMiner.
— On MacOS (docker is NOT necessary): we provide a TissueMiner API installer/updater that includes an Rstudio installation if not yet present. Run this in a simple Terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update
brew install git
export TM_HOME="${HOME}/tissue_miner"
git clone ${TM_HOME}
— On any systems with the Docker toolbox: you can use the Rstudio server from the provided docker image that includes all necessary R packages.
# First, define the path to the movie repository.
# Ex: replace /media/fileserver/movie_repository by the path to your movie repository
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e USER=rstudio -e PASSWORD=rstudio \
-v /media/fileserver/movie_repository:/home/rstudio/movie_repository \
echo "http://$(docker-machine ip default):8787"
copy and paste the resulting URL onto a web browser: login: rstudio, password: rstudio
now, you can enjoy R programming in the RStudio server !
to stop the Rstudio server, open the Docker QuickStart Terminal and follow these steps sequentially:
docker ps
output example:
# In this example, I stop the RStudio server by running
docker stop 171906d9e728 # where the last argument is the CONTAINER ID that is just displayed above
option (make sure that the dockerized Rstudio server isn’t already running by using docker ps
). Example:# First, define the path to the movie repository (ex: /media/fileserver/movie_repository)
# Second, define the path to your own R scripts (ex: $HOME/my_R_scripts)
# Third, you may also define the path to your entire home folder (ex: $HOME)
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e USER=rstudio -e PASSWORD=rstudio \
-v /media/fileserver/movie_repository:/home/rstudio/movie_repository \
-v $HOME/my_R_scripts:/home/rstudio/scripts \
-v $HOME:/home/rstudio/home_share \
— We provide two configuration files to set up the global TissueMiner environment: default_config.R and flywing_tm_config.R:
variable— Configure Rstudio when used without Docker:
echo "TM_HOME=~/tissue_miner" >> ~/.Renviron
echo "TM_CONFIG=~/tissue_miner/config/flywing_tm_config.R" >> ~/.Renviron
echo "TM_CONFIG=~/tissue_miner/config/default_config.R" >> ~/.Renviron
# Here provide the path to your configuration file
echo "TM_CONFIG=path_to_my_config_file" >> ~/.Renviron
— Configure the dockerized RStudio:
variable is already set up to take into account the dockerized TissueMiner scripts.TM_CONFIG
variable is set up by default to use the default_config.R
of the dockerized TissueMiner.Sys.setenv()
that you should always add at the begining of your scripts. Examples:# Example 1: home_share is the mount point to access your data (see above)
# Example 2: assuming that the user has cloned the TM git repository in his home folder
Please, do not forget to edit the path below to set up your data location in the movieDbBaseDir
variable !
# Define path to all processed movies: MUST BE EDITED BY THE USER
# Define path a particular time-lapse called "demo"
movieDir <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("demo"))
# Define a working directory where to save the analysis
outDataBaseDir=file.path(movieDir, "output_analysis")
# Set up path to the TissueMiner code
# This command requires that the global environment TM_HOME is defined in the .bash_profile
# Load TissueMiner libraries
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "commons/TMCommons.R"))
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "commons/BaseQueryFunctions.R"))
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "commons/TimeFunctions.R"))
# Overwrite any default configuration for running the examples of the User Manual
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "config/flywing_tm_config.R"))
# Set up working directory
Functions | Description | Project |
print_head | head the current table with the row number | TissueMiner |
dt.merge | fast merging of two dataframes, possibility to suffix column names | TissueMiner |
openMovieDb | open a connection to a movie database | TissueMiner |
multi_db_query | aggregate data into one dataframe | TissueMiner |
coarseGrid | assign grid elements to cell positions | TissueMiner |
smooth_tissue | average quantities in time using a moving window | TissueMiner |
align_movie_start | align movies at earliest common developmental time | TissueMiner |
chunk_time_into_intervals | undersample time for local time averaging | TissueMiner |
synchronize_frames | find closest frame to user-defined time intervals | TissueMiner |
mqf_* functions | set of multi-query functions to quantify cell dynamics | TissueMiner |
The mqf functions constitute an important part of the TissueMiner API. They will be discribed thereafter.
provided with the TissueMiner API# Connection to the DB stored in the "db" variable
db <- openMovieDb(movieDir)
# Close the connection
Please, keep the connection open to run the tutorial !
We can now overlay cells and vertices on the movie image. To do so, we built a dedicated render_frame() function that loads the specified frame of the time-lapse. This function takes the cell contour table and a desired frame as input variables. The render_frame() function alone returns the first layers of the graph that consists of a raster image of the wing and additional specifications such as the Y-axis flipping - scale_y_continuous(trans = “reverse”) - and the iso-scaling of the X and Y axes - coord_equal(). Additional options are appended using the +
# Load the definitions of cell contours (calculated with the automated workflow `tm sm make_db`)
cellshapes <- locload(file.path(movieDir, "cellshapes.RData")) %>% print_head()
## Source: local data frame [6 x 5]
## frame cell_id x_pos y_pos bond_order
## (int) (int) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
## 1 0 10001 193 195 1
## 2 0 10001 189 199 2
## 3 0 10001 206 212 3
## 4 0 10001 229 206 4
## 5 0 10001 219 192 5
## 6 0 10001 217 190 6
## [1] 219714
# Plot cells and vertices on the original image
cellshapes %>%
# add overlay image (! connection to DB required !):
render_frame(50) +
# add a geometrical layer to represent cells as polygons
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id), color="green",fill=NA, size=0.2) +
# add a geometrical layer to represent vertices as points
geom_point(aes(x_pos, y_pos),color="red", size=0.4) +
# add a title to the graph
ggtitle("Cells and vertices overlaid on the image")
Other regions of interest can be manually defined by the user in Fiji (see Fiji macro). Of note, these additional ROIs are only taken into account if they were defined before running the automated workflow. Then force the automated workflow to rerun with the -R
option, e.g sm -R roi_tracking
that updates all previously performed calculations from the tracking of ROIs (the docker command is tm sm -R roi_tracking
The automated workflow includes routines to browse the cell lineage and to follow ROIs in time once defined on a given image of the time-lapse. Please note that cells in contact with the margin are discarded because the segmentation and tracking quality isn’t optimum near the margin.
Example: Visualize cells in a selected ROI
# Load tracked ROIs:
lgRoiSmoothed <- locload(file.path(movieDir, "roi_bt/lgRoiSmoothed.RData")) %>%
print_head() %>%
filter(roi %in% c("cell_patch"))
## roi cell_id
## 1 whole_tissue 10632
## 2 whole_tissue 10631
## 3 whole_tissue 10626
## 4 whole_tissue 10625
## 5 whole_tissue 10595
## 6 whole_tissue 10557
## [1] 482
# Load cell shapes for plotting on the wing
cellshapes <- locload(file.path(movieDir, "cellshapes.RData"))
# Merge ROI with cell polygonal definition
cellshapesWithRoi <- cellshapes %>%
dt.merge(lgRoiSmoothed, by="cell_id", allow.cartesian=T) %>%
arrange(frame, cell_id, bond_order) ## .. because merge messes up the ordering
# Plot ROI on the wing
render_frame(cellshapesWithRoi, 50) +
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, fill=roi, group=cell_id), alpha=0.5) +
Videos are helpful to visualize the time evolution of patterns
Here, we use a parallelized loop over all frames of the time-lapse. The well-known avconv (formerly ffmpeg) program to create videos must be installed on your computer, see API requirements above.
# Make a video of the ROI on the wing
render_movie(cellshapesWithRoi, "bt_bhfix_peeled.mp4", list(
# geometrical layer to represent cells as polygons
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, fill=roi, group=cell_id), alpha=0.5),
# additional layer to fill cells with the green color
TissueMiner provide a set of tools to quantify and visualize cell dynamics at different spatial scales. These tools are all prefixed with ‘mqf_’ as they perform multiple queries to the pre-processed data obtained with the TissueMiner automated workflow. Their common features are:
Mandatory argument: a path to a selected movie directory
Optional arguments: to control selected ROIs and other parameters that are specific to some subsets of mqf functions
These mqf_* functions are listed below. Just click on a function to get the detailed description of its options passed as arguments
mqf_fg_* functions | Description ————–|————- mqf_fg_nematics_cell_elong | get cell elongation nematics from the DB mqf_fg_unit_nematics_CD | calculate cell division unit nematics mqf_fg_unit_nematics_T1 | calculate cell neighbor change unit nematics mqf_fg_cell_area | get cell area from the DB mqf_fg_triangle_properties | get calculated triangle state properties mqf_fg_bond_length | get bond length and positions from the DB mqf_fg_cell_neighbor_count | calculate cell neighbor number from the DB mqf_fg_dev_time | get developmental time from the configuration file
mqf_cg_roi_* functions | Description |
mqf_cg_roi_cell_count | count cell number |
mqf_cg_roi_cell_area | coarse-grain cell area |
mqf_cg_roi_cell_neighbor_count | average cell neighbor count |
mqf_cg_roi_polygon_class | average and trim cell polygon class |
mqf_cg_roi_triangle_elong | coarse-grain cell elongation using triangles as a proxy |
mqf_cg_roi_rate_CD | average cell division rate |
mqf_cg_roi_rate_T2 | average extrusion rate |
mqf_cg_roi_rate_T1 | average neighbor change rate |
mqf_cg_roi_rate_isotropic_contrib | coarse-grain isotropic tissue deformation and its cellular contributions |
mqf_cg_roi_rate_shear | coarse-grain anisotropic tissue deformation and its cellular contributions |
mqf_cg_roi_nematics_cell_elong | coarse-grain cell elongation nematics by ROI |
mqf_cg_roi_unit_nematics_CD | coarse-grain division unit nematics |
mqf_cd_roi_unit_nematics_T1 | coarse-grain neighbor change unit nematics |
mqf_cg_grid_* functions | Description |
mqf_cg_grid_nematics_cell_elong | coarse-grain cell elongation nematics (DB) |
mqf_cg_grid_unit_nematics_CD | coarse-grain division unit nematics |
mqf_cg_grid_unit_nematics_T1 | coarse-grain neighbor change unit nematics |
To render cell bonds one must get bonds and their respective positions. Here, is an example in which different related tables must be joined together to pool the relevant data to be plotted:
For the sake of clarity, we built a dedicated mqf_fg_bond_length() function to get bond properties along with bond positions for plotting.
We now use the TissueMiner mqf_fg_bond_length() function to get all bond positions in one step for all cells (raw ROI).
# we use the movieDir variable defined above
bond_with_vx <- mqf_fg_bond_length(movieDir, "raw") %>% print_head()
## movie frame cell_id bond_id vertex_id.2 vertex_id.1 x_pos.1 y_pos.1 x_pos.2 y_pos.2 bond_length roi time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 demo 0 10000 1 1145 1146 658 231 665 242 13.89950 raw 0 291 54000 15
## 2 demo 0 10000 54 1 51 28 343 18 339 11.65690 raw 0 291 54000 15
## 3 demo 0 10000 85 51 72 33 340 28 343 6.24264 raw 0 291 54000 15
## 4 demo 0 10000 129 72 100 45 344 33 340 13.65690 raw 0 291 54000 15
## 5 demo 0 10000 135 100 104 56 342 45 344 11.82840 raw 0 291 54000 15
## 6 demo 0 10000 136 104 105 60 337 56 342 6.65685 raw 0 291 54000 15
## [1] 115219
To overlay bonds on the tissue, we use the TissueMiner render_frame()
function to display a given image of the tissue in the cartesian coordinate system, and we add specific layers (see the ggplot2 grammar of graphics): * geom_segment()
: to plot bonds as straight lines * scale_color_gradientn()
: to color-code the bonds according to their length, up to the limit of 99% of the bond length distribution * ggtitle()
: to add a title to the plot
bond_with_vx %>%
render_frame(50) +
# bonds are represented by segments using geom_segment
geom_segment(aes(x=x_pos.1, y=y_pos.1, xend=x_pos.2, yend=y_pos.2,
color=bond_length), # Here bond_length values are mapped to the color
size=0.5, lineend="round") +
# we overwrite the default color map by a custom rainbow palette
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(bond_with_vx$bond_length, probs = 99/100)),
na.value = "red") +
ggtitle("Color-coded pattern of bond length")
To create an animation of the color-coded bond length pattern, we use the TissueMiner render_movie()
function. This function takes a few arguments: * the input data bond_with_vx
* the name of the output video to be created * a list of ggplot2 layers (same layers as in the previou paragraph)
# Here use the render_movie function
render_movie(bond_with_vx, "BondLengthPattern.mp4", list(
geom_segment(aes(x=x_pos.1, y=y_pos.1,xend=x_pos.2, yend=y_pos.2,color=bond_length),
size=0.3, lineend="round") ,
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(bond_with_vx$bond_length, probs = 99/100)),
na.value = "red") # outliers are red
To get the area of all individual cells, we use the TissueMiner function mqf_fg_cell_area()
. In order to overlay the color-coded cell area pattern on the tissue, we set the boolean variable cellContour = TRUE
to also get the coordinates of cell contours to be plotted. The principle for plotting and creating videos is the same as for the bond length pattern above.
cellArea <- mqf_fg_cell_area(movieDir, rois = c("raw"), cellContour = T)
# Send a SQL query to get cell area in each frame
cellArea <- dbGetQuery(db,"select cell_id, frame, area from cells where cell_id!=10000") %>%
# add cell polygons into it
dt.merge(locload(file.path(movieDir, "cellshapes.RData")),
by = c("frame", "cell_id")) %>%
# order vertices around the cell contour for ploting cells as polygons
arrange(cell_id, frame, bond_order)
We represent cells as polygons using the geom_polygon()
ggplot2 layer.
cellArea %>%
render_frame(50) +
# we now map cell area values to a color palette: fill=area
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=area), alpha=0.7) +
scale_fill_gradientn(name="area (px)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(cellArea$area, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red") +
ggtitle("Cell area pattern")
render_movie(cellArea, "CellAreaPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=area)),
scale_fill_gradientn(name="area (px)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
# ignore possible outliers by trimming the area distribution
limits=c(0,quantile(cellArea$area, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red")
# We now select the blade ROI that we defined using the draw_n_get_ROIcoord.ijm Fiji macro.
cellArea <- mqf_fg_cell_area(movieDir, rois = c("raw"), cellContour = T)
whole_tissue_roi <- locload(file.path(movieDir, "roi_bt/lgRoiSmoothed.RData")) %>%
filter(roi=="whole_tissue") %>% print_head()
## roi cell_id
## 1 whole_tissue 10632
## 2 whole_tissue 10631
## 3 whole_tissue 10626
## 4 whole_tissue 10625
## 5 whole_tissue 10595
## 6 whole_tissue 10557
## [1] 318
cellAreaInROI <- cellArea %>%
# A inner-join operation intersects the data
dt.merge(whole_tissue_roi, by = "cell_id")
cellAreaInROI %>%
render_frame(3) +
# we now map cell area values to a color palette: fill=area
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=area)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(name="area (px)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(cellAreaInROI$area, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red") +
ggtitle("Cell area pattern in whole_tissue")
Similarly to the cell area pattern section, we now plot the cell elongation pattern on the tissue. We use the TissueMiner mqf_fg_nematics_cell_elong()
function to retrieve the data, and the render_frame()
and render_movie()
functions to overlay the quantified data on the tissue and create a video.
cellShapesElong <- mqf_fg_nematics_cell_elong(movieDir, "raw", cellContour = T) %>% print_head()
## frame cell_id movie center_x center_y elong_xx elong_xy roi phi norm displayFactor x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec
## 1 0 10001 demo 209.731 201.607 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.1512 213.4106 202.0628 0
## 2 0 10001 demo 209.731 201.607 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.1512 213.4106 202.0628 0
## 3 0 10001 demo 209.731 201.607 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.1512 213.4106 202.0628 0
## 4 0 10001 demo 209.731 201.607 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.1512 213.4106 202.0628 0
## 5 0 10001 demo 209.731 201.607 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.1512 213.4106 202.0628 0
## 6 0 10001 demo 209.731 201.607 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.1512 213.4106 202.0628 0
## timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time x_pos y_pos bond_order
## 1 291 54000 15 193 195 1
## 2 291 54000 15 189 199 2
## 3 291 54000 15 206 212 3
## 4 291 54000 15 229 206 4
## 5 291 54000 15 219 192 5
## 6 291 54000 15 217 190 6
## [1] 216795
cellShapesElong %>%
render_frame(50) +
# we now map cell elongation values to a color palette: fill=elongNorm
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=norm)) +
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
na.value = "red") +
ggtitle("Cell elongation pattern")
render_movie(cellShapesElong, "CellElongationPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=elongNorm)),
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(cellShapesElong$elongNorm, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red")
Using the TissueMiner grammar, one can get cell elongation nematics for plotting in one step
We use the TissueMiner mqf_fg_nematics_cell_elong()
function to retrieve the data, and the render_frame()
and render_movie()
functions to overlay the quantified data on the tissue and create a video.
cellElongNematics <- mqf_fg_nematics_cell_elong(movieDir, "raw") %>% print_head()
## movie frame cell_id center_x center_y elong_xx elong_xy roi phi norm displayFactor x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec
## 1 demo 0 10001 209.731 201.6070 0.296725 0.0746626 raw 0.1232524 0.3059742 24.23546 206.0514 201.15117 213.4106 202.06283 0
## 2 demo 0 10002 577.155 247.0320 0.340883 -0.0941206 raw 6.1484872 0.3536381 24.23546 572.9085 247.60748 581.4015 246.45652 0
## 3 demo 0 10003 532.862 143.6060 0.248538 0.2278700 raw 0.3710212 0.3371882 24.23546 529.0541 142.12457 536.6699 145.08743 0
## 4 demo 0 10004 545.181 242.5890 0.391461 0.0907914 raw 0.1139501 0.4018517 24.23546 540.3430 242.03532 550.0190 243.14268 0
## 5 demo 0 10005 548.963 48.8402 0.498495 -0.1980080 raw 6.0941352 0.5363809 24.23546 542.5791 50.06167 555.3469 47.61873 0
## 6 demo 0 10006 160.281 206.3480 0.147981 0.0344489 raw 0.1143596 0.1519378 24.23546 158.4519 206.13791 162.1101 206.55809 0
## timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 291 54000 15
## 2 291 54000 15
## 3 291 54000 15
## 4 291 54000 15
## 5 291 54000 15
## 6 291 54000 15
## [1] 36261
layer.cellElongNematics %>%
# crop a the image by defining squareRoi
render_frame(50) +
# plot nematics as segments
size=1, alpha=0.7, lineend="round", color="red", na.rm=T) +
ggtitle("Cell elongation pattern")
TissueMiner provides a coarseGrid() function to map cell positions to each element of a square grid.
TissueMiner provides more specific routines using this coarseGrid() function to average nematics in space and time. Concerning cell elongtation, the mqf_cg_grid_nematics_cell_elong() TissueMiner function allows the user to directly get coarse-grained nematics that are automatically scaled for display on the original image. The display factor can also be manually defined.
We use the TissueMiner mqf_cg_grid_nematics_cell_elong()
function to retrieve the data, and the render_frame()
and render_movie()
functions to overlay the quantified data on the tissue and create a video.
cellElongNematicsCG <- mqf_cg_grid_nematics_cell_elong(movieDir, gridSize = 96) %>%
## movie frame xGrid yGrid roi cgExx_smooth cgExy_smooth phi norm x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift
## 1 demo 0 145 145 raw 0.3348337 -0.03992370 6.22384823 0.3372054 102.1862 147.5434 187.8138 142.4566 0 291 54000
## 2 demo 0 145 241 raw 0.3274483 0.09651457 0.14331552 0.3413758 102.0255 234.7986 187.9745 247.2014 0 291 54000
## 3 demo 0 241 145 raw 0.3615719 -0.03191985 6.23915905 0.3629781 194.8775 147.0319 287.1225 142.9681 0 291 54000
## 4 demo 0 241 241 raw 0.3249297 0.04857413 0.07419615 0.3285403 199.3279 237.9024 282.6721 244.0976 0 291 54000
## 5 demo 0 337 145 raw 0.3248126 -0.02979818 6.23744354 0.3261766 295.5569 146.8970 378.4431 143.1030 0 291 54000
## 6 demo 0 337 241 raw 0.3633810 0.06902224 0.09385421 0.3698781 290.1622 236.5911 383.8378 245.4089 0 291 54000
## dev_time
## 1 15
## 2 15
## 3 15
## 4 15
## 5 15
## 6 15
## [1] 700
layer.render_frame(cellElongNematicsCG, 1) +
geom_segment(aes(x=x1, y=y1,xend=x2, yend=y2),
size=2, lineend="round", color="red", na.rm=T)
render_movie(cellElongNematicsCG, "CellElongationNematicPattern.mp4", list(
geom_segment(aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2),
size=2, lineend="round", color="red", na.rm=T)
Using the TissueMiner grammar, one can get the cell neighbor count for plotting in one step
We use the TissueMiner mqf_fg_cell_neighbor_count()
function to retrieve the data, and the render_frame()
and render_movie()
functions to overlay the quantified data on the tissue and create a video.
cellPolygonClass <- mqf_fg_cell_neighbor_count(movieDir, "raw", cellContour = T)
# Define a discrete color palette of polygon class
polygonClassColors <- c("2"="black","3"="darkgrey", "4"="green",
"5"="yellow", "6"="grey", "7"="blue",
"8"="red", "9"="purple", ">9"="black")
cellPolygonClass %>%
render_frame(60) +
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, fill=as.character(polygon_class_trimmed),
group=cell_id), alpha=0.7) +
scale_fill_manual(name="polygon class", values=polygonClassColors, drop=F) +
# Define a discrete color palette of polygon class
polygonClassColors <- c("2"="black","3"="darkgrey", "4"="green",
"5"="yellow", "6"="grey", "7"="blue",
"8"="red", "9"="purple", ">9"="black")
render_movie(cellPolygonClass, "CellPackingPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, fill=as.character(polygon_class_trimmed),
group=cell_id), alpha=0.7),
scale_fill_manual(name="polygon class", values=polygonClassColors, drop=F)
# limit generation to a more reasonable range
genColors =c("0"="white", "1" = "red", "2"="green", "3"="cyan", ">3"="magenta")
# Send a SQL query to get the cell lineage
cellsWithLin <- dbGetQuery(db, "select cell_id, lineage_group, generation
from cell_histories") %>%
# fix a generation cut off for a more reasonable range
mutate(generation_cutoff=ifelse(generation>3, ">3", ac(generation))) %>%
# add cell vertices for cell rendering as polygons
dt.merge(locload(file.path(movieDir, "cellshapes.RData")), by = "cell_id") %>%
arrange(frame, cell_id, bond_order) %>% print_head()
## cell_id lineage_group generation generation_cutoff frame x_pos y_pos bond_order
## 1 10001 lg_2 0 0 0 193 195 1
## 2 10001 lg_2 0 0 0 189 199 2
## 3 10001 lg_2 0 0 0 206 212 3
## 4 10001 lg_2 0 0 0 229 206 4
## 5 10001 lg_2 0 0 0 219 192 5
## 6 10001 lg_2 0 0 0 217 190 6
## [1] 219714
cellsWithLin %>%
render_frame(65) +
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, fill=as.factor(generation_cutoff), group=cell_id), alpha=0.5) +
scale_fill_manual(name="generation", values=genColors) +
# Define a discrete color palette of polygon class
render_movie(cellsWithLin, "CellGenerationPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, fill=as.factor(generation_cutoff),
group=cell_id), alpha=0.5),
scale_fill_manual(name="generation", values=genColors)
Using the TissueMiner grammar, one can get cell division unit nematics for plotting in one step
cdNematics <- mqf_fg_unit_nematics_CD(movieDir, rois = "raw", cellContour = T) %>%
## frame cell_id movie mother_cell_id roi normCDxx normCDxy phi center_x center_y x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec timeInt_sec
## 1 1 10210 demo 10209 raw -0.136106 -0.9906943 5.429522 621.598 289.8545 605.6698 308.1206 637.5262 271.5884 291 290
## 2 1 10210 demo 10209 raw -0.136106 -0.9906943 5.429522 621.598 289.8545 605.6698 308.1206 637.5262 271.5884 291 290
## 3 1 10210 demo 10209 raw -0.136106 -0.9906943 5.429522 621.598 289.8545 605.6698 308.1206 637.5262 271.5884 291 290
## 4 1 10210 demo 10209 raw -0.136106 -0.9906943 5.429522 621.598 289.8545 605.6698 308.1206 637.5262 271.5884 291 290
## 5 1 10210 demo 10209 raw -0.136106 -0.9906943 5.429522 621.598 289.8545 605.6698 308.1206 637.5262 271.5884 291 290
## 6 1 10210 demo 10209 raw -0.136106 -0.9906943 5.429522 621.598 289.8545 605.6698 308.1206 637.5262 271.5884 291 290
## time_shift dev_time variable x_pos y_pos bond_order
## 1 54000 15.08083 left_daughter_cell_id 605 288 1
## 2 54000 15.08083 left_daughter_cell_id 602 296 2
## 3 54000 15.08083 left_daughter_cell_id 616 307 3
## 4 54000 15.08083 left_daughter_cell_id 624 304 4
## 5 54000 15.08083 left_daughter_cell_id 632 298 5
## 6 54000 15.08083 left_daughter_cell_id 629 292 6
## [1] 298
## Plot CD nematics on image #70
cdNematics %>%
render_frame(5) +
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id), alpha=0.5, fill="blue", color="grey") +
size=1, lineend="round", color="orange", na.rm=T) +
ggtitle("Cell division unit nematic")
Using the TissueMiner grammar, one can coarse-grain cell division unit nematics for plotting in one step
cgCDnematicsSmooth <- mqf_cg_grid_unit_nematics_CD(movieDir, gridSize = 96, kernSize = 5)
## Plot CD nematics on image #55
cgCDnematicsSmooth %>%
render_frame(5) +
geom_segment(aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2),
size=2, alpha=0.7, lineend="round", color="orange", na.rm=T) +
ggtitle("Coarse-grained cell division nematics")
# Define a discrete color palette of polygon class
render_movie(cgCDnematicsSmooth, "cgCDnematics.mp4", list(
geom_segment(aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2),
size=1, alpha=0.7, lineend="round", color="orange", na.rm=T)
# Load the detected changes in topology
topoChangeSummary <- locload(file.path(movieDir, "topochanges/topoChangeSummary.RData")) %>%
select(cell_id, frame, num_t1_gained, num_t1_lost, num_neighbors_t)
# Filter T1 transitions and bring cellshapes for plotting
csWithTopoT1 <- locload(file.path(movieDir, "cellshapes.RData")) %>%
dt.merge(topoChangeSummary, allow.cartesian=TRUE) %>%
filter(num_t1_gained>0 | num_t1_lost>0) %>%
ifelse(num_t1_lost>0, "t1 gain and loss", "t1 gain"), "t1 loss")) %>%
## frame cell_id x_pos y_pos bond_order num_t1_gained num_t1_lost num_neighbors_t t1_type
## 1 0 10014 500 263 1 0 1 7 t1 loss
## 2 0 10014 524 269 2 0 1 7 t1 loss
## 3 0 10014 530 263 3 0 1 7 t1 loss
## 4 0 10014 517 253 4 0 1 7 t1 loss
## 5 0 10014 510 251 5 0 1 7 t1 loss
## 6 0 10014 486 255 6 0 1 7 t1 loss
## [1] 28408
## define t1 color attribute
T1cols <- create_palette(unique(csWithTopoT1$t1_type))
csWithTopoT1 %>%
render_frame(40) +
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=t1_type), alpha=0.5) +
scale_fill_manual(values = T1cols, drop = FALSE) +
ggtitle("Cell neighbor exchanges")
# Define a discrete color palette of polygon class
render_movie(csWithTopoT1, "CellNeighborChangePattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=t1_type), alpha=0.5),
scale_fill_manual(values = T1cols, drop = FALSE)
Using the TissueMiner grammar, one can get T1 unit nematics for plotting in one step
t1nematics <- mqf_fg_unit_nematics_T1(movieDir, "raw", cellContour = T) %>% print_head()
## frame cell_id movie type roi unit_T1xx unit_T1xy phi center_x center_y x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift
## 1 0 10014 demo loss raw 0.9998438 -0.01767349 6.274348 491.324 259.1675 479.2067 259.2746 503.4413 259.0604 0 291 54000
## 2 0 10014 demo loss raw 0.9998438 -0.01767349 6.274348 491.324 259.1675 479.2067 259.2746 503.4413 259.0604 0 291 54000
## 3 0 10014 demo loss raw 0.9998438 -0.01767349 6.274348 491.324 259.1675 479.2067 259.2746 503.4413 259.0604 0 291 54000
## 4 0 10014 demo loss raw 0.9998438 -0.01767349 6.274348 491.324 259.1675 479.2067 259.2746 503.4413 259.0604 0 291 54000
## 5 0 10014 demo loss raw 0.9998438 -0.01767349 6.274348 491.324 259.1675 479.2067 259.2746 503.4413 259.0604 0 291 54000
## 6 0 10014 demo loss raw 0.9998438 -0.01767349 6.274348 491.324 259.1675 479.2067 259.2746 503.4413 259.0604 0 291 54000
## dev_time variable t1_type x_pos y_pos bond_order
## 1 15 cell_id loss 500 263 1
## 2 15 cell_id loss 524 269 2
## 3 15 cell_id loss 530 263 3
## 4 15 cell_id loss 517 253 4
## 5 15 cell_id loss 510 251 5
## 6 15 cell_id loss 486 255 6
## [1] 30557
T1cols = c("gain"="red", "loss"="green", "gain_and_loss"="blue")
t1nematics %>%
render_frame(20) + #
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=t1_type), alpha=0.5, color="grey") +
scale_fill_manual(values = T1cols, drop = FALSE) +
size=1, alpha=0.7, lineend="round", color="red", na.rm=T) +
ggtitle("Cell neighbor exchanges")
Using the TissueMiner grammar, one can coarse-grain T1 unit nematics for plotting in one step
cgT1nematics <- mqf_cg_grid_unit_nematics_T1(movieDir, rois="raw", gridSize = 96, kernSize = 11) %>%
## movie frame xGrid yGrid roi cgT1xx_smooth cgT1xy_smooth phi norm scaledFact x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 demo 0 145 145 raw NA NA NA NA 121.8394 NA NA NA NA 0 291 54000 15
## 2 demo 0 145 241 raw NA NA NA NA 121.8394 NA NA NA NA 0 291 54000 15
## 3 demo 0 241 145 raw NA NA NA NA 121.8394 NA NA NA NA 0 291 54000 15
## 4 demo 0 241 241 raw NA NA NA NA 121.8394 NA NA NA NA 0 291 54000 15
## 5 demo 0 337 145 raw NA NA NA NA 121.8394 NA NA NA NA 0 291 54000 15
## 6 demo 0 337 241 raw NA NA NA NA 121.8394 NA NA NA NA 0 291 54000 15
## [1] 695
## Plot CD nematics on image #50
cgT1nematics %>%
render_frame(50) +
size=2, alpha=0.7, lineend="round", color="red", na.rm=T) +
ggtitle("Coarse-grained T1 nematics")
# Define a discrete color palette of polygon class
render_movie(cgT1nematics, "cgT1nematics.mp4", list(
size=1, alpha=0.7, lineend="round", color="red", na.rm=T)
CAUTION: Tissue orientation matters for nematic components. Indeed, nematic tensors are symmetric traceless tensors that are characterized by 2 components projected onto the x and y axis of the Cartesian system. In order to compare nematics amongst different time-lapses one has to make sure that the tissues have a similar orientation with respect to the x and y axes. In the workflow, one has the possibility to rotate the images along with the data see Fiji macro to obtain visually comparable time-lapses.
CAUTION: Cumulative quantities are strongly influenced by the developmental time. Therefore, movies must be aligned in time prior to comparison between movies. We have aligned the three WT wing movies in time by aligning the peaks of their respective average cell elongation curves as a function of time. One movie is used as a reference and time shifts are applied to other movies. These time shifts must be stored in a configuration file containing the algnModel table as defined here.
TIP: We developed a template script compare_multiple_movies.R to compare cell dynamics between movies and between ROIs. This script must be edited by the user in order to set the movies and ROIs to be compared. The easiest way is to load the script in Rstudio, edit it and run it directly in Rstudio.
# In your unix terminal (or Docker QuickStart Terminal), type in:
# Dataset WT_1 (~800Mb)
curl | tar -zxvf -
# Dataset WT_2 (~800Mb)
curl | tar -zxvf -
# Dataset WT_3 (~600Mb)
curl | tar -zxvf -
# These datasets are automatically extracted in the example_data folder where the demo was also downloaded.
# Define path to all processed movies: TO BE EDITED BY THE USER
# Define a working directory where to save the analysis:
outDataBaseDir=file.path(movieDbBaseDir, "multi-movie_analysis")
# Load TissueMiner libraries
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "commons/TMCommons.R"))
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "commons/BaseQueryFunctions.R"))
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "commons/TimeFunctions.R"))
# Force the use the flywing_tm_config.R otherwise another config file may be used by default
source(file.path(scriptsDir, "config/flywing_tm_config.R"))
# Set up working directory
Returned value:
We can now use any previously described mqf_* function in combination with the multi_db_query() function to apply this mqf function to multiple movies. For example, one can get the individual cell area for the 3 datasets, in the ROI “raw” that corresponds to all tracked cells.
Next, we apply the synchronize_frames() function that will chunk the time in discrete time intervals and match the closest frame to be nearly centered on each time interval.
# Define the movies to be compared
movieDirs <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_1","WT_2","WT_3"))
# Get the area of each individual cell for the 3 selected datasets
syncMovies <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_fg_cell_area, rois="raw", cellContour=T) %>%
# chunk time into 900sec adjacent time windows,
# and for each movie, get the closest frame to be centered on each interval
synchronize_frames(900) %>% print_head()
## Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
## Groups: movie [1]
## movie interval_mid syncFrame dev_time
## (fctr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
## 1 WT_1 53550 0 15.00000
## 2 WT_1 54450 2 15.15886
## 3 WT_1 55350 5 15.39155
## 4 WT_1 56250 8 15.62622
## 5 WT_1 57150 11 15.86092
## 6 WT_1 58050 14 16.09716
## [1] 200
## movie frame cell_id area center_x center_y roi time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift x_pos y_pos bond_order interval_mid dev_time max_interval
## 1 WT_1 21 10001 867.5 162.3585 536.0844 raw 5893 278 54000 141.6083 527.6415 1 59850 16.63721 114750
## 2 WT_1 21 10001 867.5 162.3585 536.0844 raw 5893 278 54000 148.8365 547.2311 2 59850 16.63721 114750
## 3 WT_1 21 10001 867.5 162.3585 536.0844 raw 5893 278 54000 157.2551 553.7217 3 59850 16.63721 114750
## 4 WT_1 21 10001 867.5 162.3585 536.0844 raw 5893 278 54000 185.3934 538.9490 4 59850 16.63721 114750
## 5 WT_1 21 10001 867.5 162.3585 536.0844 raw 5893 278 54000 186.2675 536.8909 5 59850 16.63721 114750
## 6 WT_1 21 10001 867.5 162.3585 536.0844 raw 5893 278 54000 169.3064 521.9135 6 59850 16.63721 114750
## min_interval
## 1 53550
## 2 53550
## 3 53550
## 4 53550
## 5 53550
## 6 53550
## [1] 1602009
We now render the 3 movies corresponding to the 3 datasets.
# use zip option of render_movie() to combine movies in Fiji
movieDir <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_1"))
db <- openMovieDb(movieDir)
render_movie(syncMovies %>% filter(movie=="WT_1"),
"WT_1_CellAreaPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=area)),
scale_fill_gradientn(name="area (px)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(syncMovies$area, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red")
), createZip = T)
movieDir <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_2"))
db <- openMovieDb(movieDir)
render_movie(syncMovies %>% filter(movie=="WT_2"),
"WT_2_CellAreaPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=area)),
scale_fill_gradientn(name="area (px)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(syncMovies$area, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red")
), createZip = T)
movieDir <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_3"))
db <- openMovieDb(movieDir)
render_movie(syncMovies %>% filter(movie=="WT_3"),
"WT_3_CellAreaPattern.mp4", list(
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id, fill=area)),
scale_fill_gradientn(name="area (px)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
limits=c(0,quantile(syncMovies$area, probs = 99.9/100)),
na.value = "red")
), createZip = T)
For these 3 datasets, we manually defined 2 ROIs. Each type of ROI is comparable between wings:
# Define a list of movies to compare (paths to ùovie directories)
movieDirs <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_1",
# Define ROIs to be analyzed
selectedRois=c("whole_tissue","interL2-L3", "distL3")
We now query multiple databases using the TissueMiner multi_db_query()
function in combination with the mqf_cg_roi_cell_area
function definition to extract the information about cell area averaged over the selected ROIs.
avgCellArea <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_cell_area, selectedRois) %>% print_head()
## movie frame roi area.avg area.sum nbcell time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 WT_1 0 distL3 545.2857 26719.0 49 0 287 54000 15.00000
## 2 WT_1 0 whole_tissue 763.3333 210680.0 276 0 287 54000 15.00000
## 3 WT_1 1 distL3 558.6020 27371.5 49 287 286 54000 15.07972
## 4 WT_1 1 whole_tissue 759.6607 212705.0 280 287 286 54000 15.07972
## 5 WT_1 2 distL3 559.5816 27419.5 49 573 276 54000 15.15917
## 6 WT_1 2 whole_tissue 759.7057 214237.0 282 573 276 54000 15.15917
## [1] 1206
Next, we plot the average cell area as a function of time for each movie and each ROI on the same graph for comparison. We use the facet_wrap()
ggplot2 layer to combine the graphs corresponding the different ROIs in one single graph.
ggplot(avgCellArea, aes(dev_time, area.avg*(0.208^2), color=movie)) +
geom_line() +
ylab(expression(paste("<Cell area> [",mu,m^2,"]"))) +
scale_color_manual(values = movieColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi, ncol=4) +
ggtitle("averaged cell area")
We now query multiple databases using the TissueMiner multi_db_query()
function in combination with the mqf_cg_roi_nematics_cell_elong
function definition to extract the information about cell elongation nematics averaged over the selected ROIs.
# Query the DBs and calculate the norm of the cell elongation nematics for each cell
avgCellElong <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_nematics_cell_elong, selectedRois) %>%
## movie frame roi roi_center_x roi_center_y cgExx_smooth cgExy_smooth phi norm x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec
## 1 WT_1 0 distL3 569.8988 900.4184 -0.09761507 0.05300336 1.322076 0.11107681 561.4855 867.2924 578.3121 933.5443 0
## 2 WT_1 0 whole_tissue 531.1123 893.5368 -0.05041800 0.05120035 1.174248 0.07185715 522.5726 873.1426 539.6520 913.9310 0
## 3 WT_1 1 distL3 573.0241 901.7940 -0.08986431 0.03362500 1.391773 0.09594913 567.7670 872.7429 578.2813 930.8451 287
## 4 WT_1 1 whole_tissue 533.0023 892.7595 -0.04360073 0.04546027 1.167659 0.06298936 525.3988 874.9318 540.6057 910.5872 287
## 5 WT_1 2 distL3 576.1243 903.2718 -0.08531144 0.04245334 1.339922 0.09529076 569.4150 874.7294 582.8336 931.8141 573
## 6 WT_1 2 whole_tissue 535.0931 893.2698 -0.03731834 0.04838692 1.113879 0.06110608 526.7980 876.3966 543.3882 910.1430 573
## timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 287 54000 15.00000
## 2 287 54000 15.00000
## 3 286 54000 15.07972
## 4 286 54000 15.07972
## 5 276 54000 15.15917
## 6 276 54000 15.15917
## [1] 1206
Next, we plot the norm of the average cell elongation nematics as a function of time for each movie and each ROI on the same graph for comparison.
ggplot(avgCellElong, aes(dev_time, norm, color=movie)) +
geom_line() +
ylab(expression(paste("<cell elongation norm>"))) +
scale_color_manual(values = movieColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi, ncol=4) +
ggtitle("averaged cell elongation norm")
We now query multiple databases using the TissueMiner multi_db_query()
function in combination with the mqf_cg_roi_cell_neighbor_count
function definition to extract the information about cell neighbor number averaged over the selected ROIs.
avgNeighborNb <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_cell_neighbor_count, selectedRois) %>%
## movie frame roi avg_num_neighbors avg_polygon_class_trimmed time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 WT_1 0 distL3 5.979592 5.979592 0 287 54000 15.00000
## 2 WT_1 0 whole_tissue 5.971014 5.971014 0 287 54000 15.00000
## 3 WT_1 1 distL3 5.979592 5.979592 287 286 54000 15.07972
## 4 WT_1 1 whole_tissue 5.971429 5.971429 287 286 54000 15.07972
## 5 WT_1 2 distL3 5.959184 5.959184 573 276 54000 15.15917
## 6 WT_1 2 whole_tissue 5.982270 5.982270 573 276 54000 15.15917
## [1] 1206
Next, we plot the average cell neighbor number as a function of time for each movie and each ROI on the same graph for comparison.
ggplot(avgNeighborNb, aes(dev_time, avg_num_neighbors, color=movie)) +
geom_line() +
ylab(expression(paste("<cell neighbor number>"))) +
scale_color_manual(values = movieColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi, ncol=4) +
ggtitle("averaged cell neighbor number")
We now query multiple databases using the TissueMiner multi_db_query()
function in combination with the mqf_fg_cell_neighbor_count
function definition to extract the information about cell neighbor number for each individual cell for all selected ROIs.
avgPgClass <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_fg_cell_neighbor_count, selectedRois, polygon_class_limit=c(3,9)) %>% print_head()
## movie frame cell_id neighbor_number polygon_class_trimmed roi time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift dev_time
## 1 WT_1 0 10005 6 6 whole_tissue 0 287 54000 15
## 2 WT_1 0 10006 4 4 whole_tissue 0 287 54000 15
## 3 WT_1 0 10009 6 6 whole_tissue 0 287 54000 15
## 4 WT_1 0 10017 7 7 whole_tissue 0 287 54000 15
## 5 WT_1 0 10019 5 5 distL3 0 287 54000 15
## 6 WT_1 0 10019 5 5 whole_tissue 0 287 54000 15
## [1] 374129
Next, we plot the cell neighbor number distribution per ROI
ggplot(avgPgClass, aes(ac(polygon_class_trimmed), fill=as.factor(polygon_class_trimmed))) +
geom_bar(color="white") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("3"="black", "4"="green", "5"="yellow", "6"="grey", "7"="blue", "8"="red","9"="purple"), name="polygon class") +
xlab("Cell neighbor number") +
facet_grid(movie~roi) +
To plot the cell division rate, after querying the databases, we chunk the time into discrete intervals of 1hour and average the division rates within each interval to smooth the data.
CDrateByTimeIntervals <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_rate_CD, selectedRois) %>%
chunk_time_into_intervals(3600) %>%
group_by(movie, roi,interval_mid) %>%
Next, we plot the division rate normalized per cell
ggplot(CDrateByTimeIntervals, aes(dev_time, avgCDrate, color=movie)) +
geom_point(size=1, color="black") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=(avgCDrate-semCD), ymax=(avgCDrate+semCD)),
size=0.3, width=0.4, color="black") +
ylab(expression(paste("CD rate [", cell^-1, h^-1,"]"))) +
scale_color_manual(values = movieColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ggtitle("CD rate")
To plot the cell neighbor change rate, after querying the databases, we chunk the time into discrete intervals of 1hour and average these rates within each interval to smooth the data.
T1rate <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_rate_T1, selectedRois) %>%
chunk_time_into_intervals(deltaT = 3600) %>%
group_by(movie, roi,interval_mid) %>%
Next, we plot the neighbor change rate normalized per cell
ggplot(T1rate, aes(dev_time, avgT1rate, color=movie)) +
geom_point(size=1, color="black") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=(avgT1rate-semT1), ymax=(avgT1rate+semT1)),
size=0.3, width=0.4, color="black") +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ylab(expression(paste("T1 rate [", cell^-1, h^-1,"]"))) +
ylim(c(0.2,2.3)) +
scale_color_manual(values = movieColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ggtitle("T1 rate")
We now query multiple databases to extract the information about cell neighbor change orientation averaged for the “whole_tissue” ROI.
# Get cell neighbor change nematics and align movie start
T1Nematics <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_unit_nematics_T1, selectedRois) %>%
align_movie_start(movieDirs) %>%
mutate(frame=frame-closestFrame) %>%
group_by(movie) %>%
mutate(maxnormByMovie=max(norm,na.rm=T)) %>%
group_by(movie,roi) %>%
mutate(maxnormByRoi=max(norm,na.rm=T)) %>% print_head()
## Source: local data frame [6 x 20]
## Groups: movie, roi [1]
## movie frame roi roi_center_x roi_center_y cgT1xx_smooth cgT1xy_smooth phi norm x1 y1 x2 y2 time_sec
## (fctr) (int) (chr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (int)
## 1 WT_1 0 whole_tissue 493.7038 876.0316 -0.03066937 -0.003707853 4.772546 0.03089269 493.1323 885.5198 494.2753 866.5433 5615
## 2 WT_1 1 whole_tissue 546.0817 925.3110 0.01795573 -0.011625847 5.995887 0.02139085 539.7697 927.1761 552.3938 923.4460 5893
## 3 WT_1 2 whole_tissue 523.3007 805.9938 -0.02058211 0.010275972 1.339266 0.02300476 521.6764 799.1043 524.9249 812.8833 6171
## 4 WT_1 3 whole_tissue 475.7381 902.7971 0.01769519 -0.002494902 6.213150 0.01787021 470.2531 903.1819 481.2232 902.4123 6448
## 5 WT_1 4 whole_tissue 520.9627 973.0783 -0.04277975 0.019884638 1.353244 0.04717527 517.8297 958.9050 524.0958 987.2517 6729
## 6 WT_1 5 whole_tissue 505.2494 854.2981 -0.04040082 0.007991457 1.473155 0.04118361 504.0140 841.6865 506.4847 866.9097 7022
## Variables not shown: timeInt_sec (int), time_shift (dbl), dev_time (dbl), closestFrame (int), maxnormByMovie (dbl), maxnormByRoi (dbl)
## [1] 578
T1Nematics$roi <- factor(T1Nematics$roi, levels=c("whole_tissue","distL3"))
We render the average cell neighbor change orientation in a circular diagram. A similar plot can be done for the average cell division orientation (see the QuickStart tutorials).
ggplot(T1Nematics , aes()) +
geom_segment(aes(x=phi, y=0, xend=phi, yend=(norm), color=dev_time),size=1, alpha=0.5) +
geom_segment(aes(x=mod2pi(phi+pi), y=0, xend=mod2pi(phi+pi), yend=(norm),
color=dev_time), size=1, alpha=0.5) +
scale_color_gradientn(name="time (hAPF)",
colours=c("black", "blue", "green", "yellow", "red"),
na.value = "red") +
labels=c(expression(pi),expression(paste(pi/2," Ant")),
limits=c(0,2*pi)) +
xlab("") +
ylab("T1 nematic norm") +
facet_grid(movie~roi) +
plot.title = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm")) +
ggtitle("T1 nematics - avg by roi in frame")
To optimally compare the isotropic deformation curves between movies, one can interpolate the data in time instead of relying on the supposedly constant frame rate of the microscope.
movieDirs <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_1","WT_2", "WT_3"))
selectedRois=c("whole_tissue", "distL3", "distInterL3-L4")
# query multiple databases
isoContrib <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_rate_isotropic_contrib, selectedRois) %>%
# interpolate data
deltaT=60 # sampling (60 seconds)
avgIsoDefRateInterpolated <- isoContrib %>%
align_movie_start(movieDirs) %>%
max_dev_time=max(dev_time)) %>%
group_by(movie, roi, isoContrib) %>%
# here, we do a linear interpolation of the data (60 sec per point)
with(., approx(dev_time,,
xout = seq(min_dev_time[1], max_dev_time[1],
by = deltaT/3600), method = "linear")) %>% as.df()
}) %>%
rename(dev_time=x, %>%
filter(! %>%
ungroup() %>% mutate(movieNb=length(unique(movie))) %>%
group_by(roi, isoContrib, dev_time) %>%
# Make sure that further calculations will be done on values present in all compared movies
filter(n()==movieNb) %>% ungroup()
# average data between the 3 movies amongst ROI
avgIsoDefRateSummary <- avgIsoDefRateInterpolated %>%
group_by(roi, isoContrib, dev_time) %>%
We now plot the isotropic deformation rate averaged in each ROI and further averaged between movies. We also plot the standard deviation between movies.
# Plot average of iso contribution rates in 3 WT and their respective standard deviation
ggplot(avgIsoDefRateSummary, aes(dev_time, value.avg, color=isoContrib)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=(, ymax=(, fill=isoContrib),
alpha=0.2, linetype="dotted", size=0.2) +
xlab("Time [hAPF]")+
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(16,36, 4),limits=c(16,32)) +
ylab(expression(paste("rate [",h^-1,"]"))) +
scale_color_manual(values=isotropColors) +
scale_fill_manual(values=isotropColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ggtitle("averaged rates of isotropic deformation")
We next calculate the cumulative isotropic deformation that we further average between movies.
avgIsoDefCum <- avgIsoDefRateInterpolated %>%
group_by(movie, roi, isoContrib) %>%
mutate(timeInt=c(0,diff(dev_time)), value.cumsum=cumsum(*timeInt)) %>%
group_by(roi, isoContrib, dev_time) %>%
We now plot the cumulative isotropic deformation further averaged between movies. We also plot the standard deviation between movies.
CAUTION: movies must be well registered in time to get an optimal comparison between movies
ggplot(avgIsoDefCum, aes(dev_time, cumsum.avg, color=isoContrib)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=(, ymax=(, fill=isoContrib),
alpha=0.2, linetype="dotted", size=0.2) +
xlab("Time [hAPF]")+
ylab("cumulative sum") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(16,36, 4),limits=c(16,32)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-2, 1, 0.4), limit=c(-1.2, 1)) +
scale_color_manual(values=isotropColors) +
scale_fill_manual(values=isotropColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ggtitle("cumulative avg isotropic deformation")
The changes in aspect ratio of cells and tissue correspond the pure shear that we term shear. The tissue shear decomposition into each type of cellular contribution is obtained by the triangulation method that we published elsewhere (Etournay et al., 2015). Here, we show a triangulation of the cell network.
movieDir <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("WT_1"))
triProperties <- mqf_fg_triangle_properties(movieDir, "raw", triContour = T) %>%
## tri_id movie frame ta_xx ta_xy ta_yx ta_yy tri_area s_a theta_a two_phi_a Q_a roi time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift
## 1 1 WT_1 41 25.73521 4.237465 -8.08430 12.82599 364.3366 2.949039 -0.3092837 5.684289 0.3459120 raw 11617 283 54000
## 2 1 WT_1 41 25.73521 4.237465 -8.08430 12.82599 364.3366 2.949039 -0.3092837 5.684289 0.3459120 raw 11617 283 54000
## 3 1 WT_1 41 25.73521 4.237465 -8.08430 12.82599 364.3366 2.949039 -0.3092837 5.684289 0.3459120 raw 11617 283 54000
## 4 2 WT_1 0 16.10049 4.141756 -17.93016 16.97369 347.5472 2.925450 -0.5884726 4.060672 0.3625545 raw 0 287 54000
## 5 2 WT_1 0 16.10049 4.141756 -17.93016 16.97369 347.5472 2.925450 -0.5884726 4.060672 0.3625545 raw 0 287 54000
## 6 2 WT_1 0 16.10049 4.141756 -17.93016 16.97369 347.5472 2.925450 -0.5884726 4.060672 0.3625545 raw 0 287 54000
## dev_time cell_id x_pos y_pos
## 1 18.22694 10001 104.59096 514.2104
## 2 18.22694 10008 73.94130 534.5956
## 3 18.22694 10179 67.50174 515.1043
## 4 15.00000 10001 176.60837 576.1622
## 5 15.00000 10008 158.56598 612.6568
## 6 15.00000 10320 152.27188 586.8624
## [1] 1680423
## tri_id movie frame ta_xx ta_xy ta_yx ta_yy tri_area s_a theta_a two_phi_a Q_a roi time_sec timeInt_sec time_shift
## 1 1 WT_1 41 25.73521 4.237465 -8.08430 12.82599 364.3366 2.949039 -0.3092837 5.684289 0.3459120 raw 11617 283 54000
## 2 1 WT_1 41 25.73521 4.237465 -8.08430 12.82599 364.3366 2.949039 -0.3092837 5.684289 0.3459120 raw 11617 283 54000
## 3 1 WT_1 41 25.73521 4.237465 -8.08430 12.82599 364.3366 2.949039 -0.3092837 5.684289 0.3459120 raw 11617 283 54000
## 4 2 WT_1 0 16.10049 4.141756 -17.93016 16.97369 347.5472 2.925450 -0.5884726 4.060672 0.3625545 raw 0 287 54000
## 5 2 WT_1 0 16.10049 4.141756 -17.93016 16.97369 347.5472 2.925450 -0.5884726 4.060672 0.3625545 raw 0 287 54000
## 6 2 WT_1 0 16.10049 4.141756 -17.93016 16.97369 347.5472 2.925450 -0.5884726 4.060672 0.3625545 raw 0 287 54000
## dev_time cell_id x_pos y_pos
## 1 18.22694 10001 104.59096 514.2104
## 2 18.22694 10008 73.94130 534.5956
## 3 18.22694 10179 67.50174 515.1043
## 4 15.00000 10001 176.60837 576.1622
## 5 15.00000 10008 158.56598 612.6568
## 6 15.00000 10320 152.27188 586.8624
## [1] 1680423
db <- openMovieDb(movieDir)
triProperties %>%
render_frame(40) +
geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=tri_id),
fill="yellow", color="black", alpha=0.9, size=0.1)
To optimally compare the pure shear deformation curves between movies, one can interpolate the data in time instead of relying on the supposedly constant frame rate of the microscope.
# query multiple databases
shearData <- multi_db_query(movieDirs, mqf_cg_roi_rate_shear, selectedRois)
shearRateSlim <- subset(shearData, (tensor=="CEwithCT" | tensor=="correlationEffects" |
tensor=="nu" | tensor=="ShearT1" |
tensor=="ShearT2" | tensor=="ShearCD"))
shearRateSlim$tensor <- factor(shearRateSlim$tensor,
levels=c("ShearCD", "CEwithCT", "correlationEffects",
"nu", "ShearT1", "ShearT2"),
labels=c("cell_division", "cell_elongation_change",
"correlation_effects","total_shear","T1", "T2"))
# interpolate data
shearRateInterpolated <- shearRateSlim %>%
align_movie_start(movieDirs) %>%
phi, norm,time_sec,timeInt_sec,closestFrame,time_shift)) %>%
max_dev_time=max(dev_time)) %>%
group_by(movie, roi, tensor) %>%
with(., approx(dev_time,,
xout = seq(min_dev_time[1], max_dev_time[1],
by = deltaT/3600), method = "linear")) %>% as.df()
}) %>%
rename(dev_time=x, XX=y) %>%
filter(! %>%
ungroup() %>% mutate(movieNb=length(unique(movie))) %>%
group_by(roi, tensor, dev_time) %>%
# Make sure that further calculations will be done on values present in all compared movies
filter(n()==movieNb) %>% ungroup()
# average data between the 3 movies amongst ROI
shearRateSummary <- shearRateInterpolated %>%
group_by(roi, tensor, dev_time) %>%
We now plot the pure shear deformation averaged in each ROI and further averaged between movies. We also plot the standard deviation between movies.
# Plot avg and standard deviation for each tensor among 3 WT
ggplot(shearRateSummary, aes(dev_time,xx.avg*100, color=tensor)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=100*(, ymax=100*(, fill=tensor),
alpha=0.2, linetype="dotted", size=0.2) +
xlab("Time [hAPF]")+
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(16,36, 2),limits=c(16,34)) +
ylab(expression(paste("shear rate xx [",10^-2,h^-1,"]"))) +
scale_color_manual(values=shearColors) +
scale_fill_manual(values=shearColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ggtitle("shear decomposition")
We next calculate the cumulative pure shear deformation that we further average between movies.
shearCumSumSummary <- shearRateInterpolated %>%
group_by(movie, roi, tensor) %>%
mutate(timeInt=c(0,diff(dev_time)),cumSum_xx=cumsum(XX*timeInt)) %>%
group_by(roi, tensor, dev_time) %>%
summarise(xxCumSum.avg=mean(cumSum_xx, na.rm = F),, na.rm = F))
We now plot the cumulative pure shear deformation further averaged between movies. We also plot the standard deviation between movies.
CAUTION: movies must be well registered in time to get an optimal comparison between movies
ggplot(shearCumSumSummary, aes(dev_time,xxCumSum.avg, color=tensor)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=(, ymax=(, fill=tensor),
alpha=0.2, linetype="dotted", size=0.2) +
xlab("Time [hAPF]")+
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(16,36, 2),limits=c(16,34)) +
ylab(expression(paste("cumulative PD shear"))) +
scale_color_manual(values=shearColors) +
scale_fill_manual(values=shearColors) +
facet_wrap(~roi) +
ggtitle("cumulative shear decomposition")