Tutorial layout: the code is encapsulated in shaded grey boxes that delimit code chunks. The results are displayed immediately below in an open box in which all lines start with the ## sign. Within code chunks, comments are visible in green and are prefixed with at least a # sign. The comments indicate what the following code does. Here is an example:

# This is a comment: the code below will print "Welcome to TissueMiner"
print("Welcome to TissueMiner")
## [1] "Welcome to TissueMiner"

1 R: the basics

Many books or web sites describe the R language, and we only introduce the necessary knowledge to understand this tutorial. We recommend of few references that have been useful to us:

1.1 Variable assignment and simple instructions

# assign a number to the variables x and y
x <- 2
y <- 3
# display the result of x + y
x + y
## [1] 5
# is x equal y?
## [1] FALSE
# is x different from y?
## [1] TRUE
# is x superior to y? 
## [1] FALSE
# is x inferior to y?
## [1] TRUE

1.2 A vector is a series of values.

# assign a vector to x and to y:
x <- c(4,3,2)
y <- c(1,2,3)
# assign a bolean vector to z:
# display the result of x + y (element-wise addition):
x + y
## [1] 5 5 5
# display the result of x + y + z (z is automatically coerced to integers)
x + y + z
## [1] 6 5 6

1.3 Named vectors

In some cases, it is convenient to name each element of the vector. Such a vector is useful to store configuration parameters.

# assign a named vector to x:
x <- c("movie1"="red", "movie2"="blue", "movie3"="green")
# display the content of x
##  movie1  movie2  movie3 
##   "red"  "blue" "green"

1.4 Tabular data: dataframe

Tabular data that we obtain from the relational database are stored in a table refereed to as dataframe in the R language. This tutorial essentially shows how to manipulate dataframes in order to perform calculations and prepare the data for plotting. A dataframe is composed of columns that correspond to vectors of identical length.

# Assign a data frame to x:
x <- data.frame(frame=c(1,2,3), cell_area=c(20,22,24))
# display the content of x:
##   frame cell_area
## 1     1        20
## 2     2        22
## 3     3        24
# display the number of lines in x:
## [1] 3
# display the 2 first rows of x:
head(x, n=2)
##   frame cell_area
## 1     1        20
## 2     2        22
# display the 2 last rows of x:
tail(x, n=2)
##   frame cell_area
## 2     2        22
## 3     3        24

2 Query a relational database using the SQL language


# open a connection to the database of the demo movie (example data)
movieDbBaseDir <- "~/example_data"
movieDir <- file.path(movieDbBaseDir, c("demo"))
dbFile=file.path(movieDir, paste0(basename(movieDir), ".sqlite"))
# Connection to the DB stored in the "db" variable
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(),dbname=paste0(dbFile))

# Use the built-in "dbGetQuery" function to query the database
# Write SQL statements in quotes
# Assign the resulting data frame to the "cellProperties" variable
cellProperties <- dbGetQuery(db, "select cell_id, frame, area from cells")

# show first lines of the table
##   cell_id frame area
## 1   10000     0    0
## 2   10000     1    0
## 3   10000     2    0
## 4   10000     3    0
## 5   10000     4    0
## 6   10000     5    0
# Filter out the margin cell (id 10000) around the tissue
cellProperties <- dbGetQuery(db, "select cell_id, frame, area from cells
                                  where cell_id!=10000") 

3 Manipulate large data sets using a grammar of data manipulation

In the present tutorial, we mainly use the following few verbs:

Functions Description Package
dbGetQuery query a SQLite database and returns a dataframe RSQLite
mutate perform calculations on columns by adding or modifying existing ones dplyr
summarize compute summary statistics dplyr
group_by (ungroup) subsets data into chunks prior to a mutate or a summarize operation dplyr
filter parse data on row content dplyr
select parse data on column names dplyr
arrange order values of desired columns dplyr
inner_join merge two data frames by intersecting user-defined columns dplyr
melt or gather gather columns into rows reshape2/dplyr
dcast or spread spread rows into columns reshape2/dplyr

3.1 Learning the grammar on the provided example data

Goal: calculate the average cell area in square microns as function of time in hours from start of time-lapse recording.

If you haven’t yet downloaded the example dataset in your home folder, please run the command below in a terminal

curl https://cloud.mpi-cbg.de/index.php/s/COYw9ugcG9BJQnf/download  | tar -zxvf -


  • load the necessary R libraries
  • open a connection to the database of the demo movie (example data)
  • use the dbGetQuery() function to input a dataframe to start the chain of operations
  • use the %>% operator to chain operations
  • manipulate the input dataframe using the dplyr grammar
# Load the necessary R libraries

# use the **dbGetQuery()** function to input a dataframe to start the chain of operations
# use the **%>%** operator to chain operations
# manipulate the input dataframe using the *dplyr* grammar 
avgCellArea <- dbGetQuery(db, "select cell_id, frame, area from cells") %>%
  # remove the huge artificial margin cell around the tissue
  filter(cell_id!=10000) %>%
  # convert pixel to squared microns knowing that 1px = 0.207 micron
  mutate(area_real=(0.207)^2*area) %>%
  # indicate that the next function must be applied frame-wise 
  group_by(frame) %>%
  # calculate the average area in each frame of the time-lapse
  summarize(area_avg=mean(area_real)) %>%
  # cancel grouping
  ungroup() %>% 
  # bring time in seconds into the current table by matching the frame number
  inner_join(dbGetQuery(db, "select * from frames"), by="frame") %>%
  # convert time to hours
  mutate(time_h=round(time_sec/3600, 1)) %>%
  # remove the unecessary columns
  select(-c(frame, time_sec)) %>%
  # order time chronologically

3.2 Vectorized conditional statement (ifelse)

The R language provides a vectorized ifelse() function that we can then use in combination with the dplyr grammar. The vectorized ifelse() function takes 3 arguments corresponding to the condition (if), the consequent (then), and the alternative (else).

# Here, is an example in which we display each intermediate step
cell <- dbGetQuery(db, "select cell_id, frame, area, elong_xx, elong_xy from cells") %>% 
  # additional column isMarginCell to flag the margin cell as "true"
  mutate(isMarginCell=ifelse(cell_id==10000, TRUE, FALSE))

3.3 Modify table layout into wide or long formats

3.3.1 Wide to long format: the melt() or gather() function.

The melt() (or gather()) function creates two columns:

  • one ‘variable’ column listing variable names
  • one ‘value’ column with their corresponding value.

Both melt() and gather() are equivalent, gather() being the newest implementation from the dplyr package.

# Load necessary libraries

# Example 1: 
# by default, melt() only gathers numerical data into a pair of {variable, value} columns
longFormat <- melt(cell) 
# by default, gather() gathers all columns
longFormat <- gather(cell) 
##       key value
## 1 cell_id 10000
## 2 cell_id 10000
## 3 cell_id 10000
## 4 cell_id 10000
## 5 cell_id 10000
## 6 cell_id 10000
# Of note, the two columns {cell_id, frame} uniquely define each cell in frame 
# Therefore, to keep consistent data, the frame column should not be gathered

# Example 2: specify which columns to gather into {variable, value} columns
longFormat <- melt(cell, measure.vars = c("area","elong_xx","elong_xy","isMarginCell")) 
# Or
longFormat <- gather(cell, variable, value, c(area,elong_xx,elong_xy,isMarginCell)) 
##   cell_id frame variable value
## 1   10000     0     area     0
## 2   10000     1     area     0
## 3   10000     2     area     0
## 4   10000     3     area     0
## 5   10000     4     area     0
## 6   10000     5     area     0
# Example 3: specify which columns shouldn't be gathered (equivalent to example 2)
longFormat <- melt(cell, id.vars =  c("cell_id","frame")) 
# Or
longFormat <- gather(cell, variable, value, -c(cell_id,frame)) 
##   cell_id frame variable value
## 1   10000     0     area     0
## 2   10000     1     area     0
## 3   10000     2     area     0
## 4   10000     3     area     0
## 5   10000     4     area     0
## 6   10000     5     area     0

3.3.2 Lond to wide format: the dcast() or spread() function

The dcast() (or spread()) function creates as many columns as variable names contained in the ‘variable’ column and lists the corresponding values. Both dcast() and spread() are equivalent, spread() being the newest implementation from the tidyr package.

# The melt operation is reversible (the row identifiers must be uniquely defined),
# but booleans area coerced into numeric format
# Using dcast(), cell_id and frame are the row identifiers,
# wherease the variable column is spread into column names
example <- cell  %>%
  melt(id.vars =  c("cell_id","frame"))  %>%
  dcast(cell_id+frame~variable, value.var="value") 
# Or
example <- cell  %>%
  gather(variable, value, -c(cell_id,frame))  %>%
##   cell_id frame area elong_xx elong_xy isMarginCell
## 1   10000     0    0        0        0            1
## 2   10000     1    0        0        0            1
## 3   10000     2    0        0        0            1
## 4   10000     3    0        0        0            1
## 5   10000     4    0        0        0            1
## 6   10000     5    0        0        0            1

4 Visualize complex data sets using a grammar of graphics

Some geometrical layers (common types of graphs):

Function Description Package or project
ggplot map data to graph elements (axes, colors, etc…) ggplot2
geom_point plot data as points ggplot2
geom_line join the points by lines ggplot2
geom_segment plot a segment (nematic tensor or cell bond) ggplot2
geom_polygon plot a polygon (cell contour) ggplot2
render_frame plot data onto one movie image TissueMiner
render_movie plot data onto every movie image and make a movie TissueMiner

Some complementary scaling layers:

Function Description Package or project
scale_x_continuous to control the x axis rendering ggplot2
scale_color_gradientn to use a gradient of colors when rendering the data ggplot2

Saving a graph in the desired format (raster or vector graphics)

Function Description Package or project
ggsave2 save plots TissueMiner (using ggplot2)


Goal: plot the average cell area in square microns as function of time in hours from start of time-lapse recording:

# Load the necessary libraries

# Show the first rows of the previously calculated avgCellArea data frame:
## Source: local data frame [6 x 2]
##   area_avg time_h
##      (dbl)  (dbl)
## 1 16.46156    0.0
## 2 16.17277    0.1
## 3 16.27033    0.2
## 4 16.21719    0.2
## 5 16.22896    0.3
## 6 16.27422    0.4
# Map the data to the system of coordinates using ggplot
ggplot(avgCellArea, aes(x = time_h, y = area_avg)) +
  # plot the average area as a line using geom_line
  geom_line() +
  # add a title
  ggtitle("Average cell area as function of time")

# Save the plot as svg for editing in Inkscape
#ggsave2(width=14, unit="in", outputFormat="svg")

5 Apply the R-grammar to visualize cells

# Load data into the 'cellshapes' variable
load(file.path(movieDir, "cellshapes.RData")) 
## Source: local data frame [6 x 5]
##   frame cell_id x_pos y_pos bond_order
##   (int)   (int) (dbl) (dbl)      (dbl)
## 1     0   10001   193   195          1
## 2     0   10001   189   199          2
## 3     0   10001   206   212          3
## 4     0   10001   229   206          4
## 5     0   10001   219   192          5
## 6     0   10001   217   190          6

5.1 Example 1: plot cells as polygons in the Cartesian system

ggplot(cellshapes %>% filter(frame==70)) +
  # plot cells as polygons:
  geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id),color="green",fill="white", size=0.3) +
  # X and Y axes must have the same scale:
  coord_equal() +
  # add a title "Pupal wing cells represented as polygons in Cartesian system" 
  ggtitle("Pupal wing cells represented as polygons in Cartesian system")

5.2 Example 2: plot cells as polygons in the image coordinate system

ggplot(cellshapes %>% filter(frame==70)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id),color="green",fill="white", size=0.3) + 
  coord_equal() +
  # In an image coordinate system, the Y-axis is pointing downwards. We flip the Y-axis:
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse") +
  ggtitle("Pupal wing cells represented as polygons in image coordinate system")

5.3 Example 3: plot cells and vertices

ggplot(cellshapes %>% filter(frame==70)) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x_pos, y_pos, group=cell_id),color="green",fill="white", size=0.3) +
  # plot each vertex as a point:
  geom_point(aes(x_pos, y_pos),color="red", size=0.4) + 
  coord_equal() +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse") +
  ggtitle("Pupal wing cells and vertices")