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How to use Scion

1. Open scion software

The fileserver path will be shown under Server as

2. Write your credentials to get access to the fileserver

Enter your username and password in the respective boxes and click Connect.

3. Specify the folder where you want to automatically transfer your data to

Click on Open Fileserver > Navigate to your destination > Click OK. The path will then appear under Project Path:.

4. Specify the “Monitoring Folder”

Click on Upload and select the local folder from which folder you want to transfer data automatically to the Project Path. Also, you can drag and drop the folder in Upload button from the Explorer. Once you select the Monitoring Folder, the data transfer will start right away.

5. “Stop transfer”

You can stop transfer during synchronizing the folder at any time. Please open the folder with Upload or drag-and-drop the folder Upload button if you want to upload/monitor the acquisition folder.

6. Don’t forget to log out at the end of your session

Note: all the data in the Monitoring Folder will be transferred automatically to the Project Path, except the _temp folder which is created by CellSens.